Thursday, June 11, 2009


After 1.5 hours delay, we finally got into Guangzhou late last night. It's so good to be in the homestretch! The Victory isn't as nice as the White Swan where we stayed last time we were here, but we're only here for 3 nights, so it's not a big deal. First thing this morning (Wednesday) we went to take our laundry to Tiffany's, with an obligatory stop at Starbuck's for Bo. We ran into Jordan though, and decided to take the laundry to his shop. Everybody who's been to Shamian Island knows Jordan! He did the kid's name in calligraphy, and then we had to head back to meet our guide and head to their medical examination.
I was absolutely dreading this. It took three nurses to hold Ellie down last time we were here, and all they were doing was checking her heartrate and temperature under her arm! Now, because of the Hague laws, the kids *have* to get shots. I totally expected YunLong to decide to take a hike upon hearing about the shots, but he and XiaoMei both were total champs. They didn't even flinch! Two shots for Ross, and four for Kara!
The kids weren't hungry yet for lunch, so we walked over the bridge to the "scary place" as my friend Ang calls it. I actually thought it was totally cool and fun! We loved walking through the blocks of traditional Chinese medicine. Our other guide told us that basically they pull everything they can out of the sea, and call it medicine. There were herbs and dried lizards, dried seahorses, and all manner of other things considered medicinal here. Then there were a couple blocks of domestic animals for sale; puppies, kitties, rabbits, fish, as well as chipmunks and iguanas. Suffice it to say, PETA would not be happy with the condition of the animal crates and the lack of water for the critters.
We headed to the jade market, and then to the pearl market, and by then the kids were starving. Lunch was in a Chinese restaurant at the mall, and then back to the hotel where we had planned to go swimming. Unfortunately, the pool was closed for maintenance. After resting in the room for a little while, we did some shopping here on the island, and headed for Lucy's (YES!!!! AMERICAN FOOD!) Unfortunately, they are also closed for maintenance!!! Arrrrrgh! We just can't catch a break!
We decided that we'd better take our only chance (dinner tomorrow will be with friends who live in Guangzhou) here to order PaPa John's Pizza (not normally a fan, but here, it's GREAT!). Knowing the kids would probably not like it, we got them dinner to take back to the room from the most interesting place. Our room looks down on the restaurant, and I'd been watching it, just fascinated. The have a pool set up...the 3 foot or so deep kind you get at a Walmart type store....and there are a couple of different types of fish swimming around in it. I'd seen people pick the one they wanted, the worker grab them out of the water and take it back, and then return with a filleted fish to be prepared. Not unlike our picking out the lobster we want, just in a much larger scale! We, however, stuck with rice, rice noodles, and a beef dish for the kids :-)
Some goofing off in the room, a skype call home, and it'll be time for bed. Tomorrow our guide will go the consulate for us. Because Kara XaioMei is 14, she herself has to go and sign, as well. Tomorrow should prove to be a really interesting day, and I can't wait to update!


Bobby and Regina said...

I am so glad to see things are going well! I can't believe you now have 7 children!! Amazing!! Ross and Kara are beautiful children, and will be so blessed to be a part of your family! Can't wait for more updates! Regina

Elizabeth Bergeron said...

Somehow I missed your leaving!! Things sound like they are going well. When do you return? Prayers are going up for you all!!!

Karmen and Greg said...

I feel like I have been TOTALLY out of the loop. Somehow I missed your leaving ... and now I'm playing MAJOR catch-up. What a joy to read of your journey. I am SO excited an happy for your now quite large family! What a blessing you will all be to each other I am sure! My thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue to form a bond and grow together as a family. Congratulations!

Debbie B said...

I am enjoying reading about all of your adventures! I believe that I read on Clay FB, that y'all were heading home.

Update when you can!!



Karmen and Greg said...

Okay -- I keep checking for more updates and NOTHING! I'm guessing you're VERY busy these days. Just wanted you to know we're thinking of you and can't wait to see how your new family life unfolds! Many blessings to you!